
The stability of the solution to the equation $(*)\dot{u} = F(t,u)+f(t)$, $t\ge 0$, $u(0)=u_0$ is studied. Here $F(t,u)$ is a nonlinear operator in a Banach space $\mathcal{X}$ for any fixed $t\ge 0$ and $F(t,0)=0$, $\forall t\ge 0$. We assume that the Fr\'echet derivative of $F(t,u)$ is H\"{o}lder continuous of order $q>0$ with respect to $u$ for any fixed $t\ge 0$, i.e., $\|F'_u(t,w) - F'_u(t,v)\|\le \alpha(t)\|v - w\|^{q}$, $q>0$. We proved that the equilibrium solution $v=0$ to the equation $\dot{v} = F(t,v)$ is Lyapunov stable under persistently acting perturbation $f(t)$ if $\sup_{t\ge 0}\int_0^t \alpha(\xi)\|U(t,\xi)\|\, d\xi<\infty$ and $\sup_{t\ge 0}\|U(t)\|<\infty$. Here, $U(t):=U(t,0)$ and $U(t,\xi)$ is the solution to the equation $\frac{d}{dt}{U}(t,\xi) = F'_u(t,0)U(t,\xi)$, $t\ge \xi$, $U(\xi,\xi)=I$, where $I$ is the identity operator in $\mathcal{X}$. Sufficient conditions for the solution $u(t)$ to equation (*) to be bounded and for $\lim_{t\to\infty}u(t) = 0$ are proposed and justified. Stability of solutions to equations with unbounded operators in Hilbert spaces is also studied.

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