
Inverse problems can usually be modelled as operator equations in infinite-dimensional spaces with a forward operatoracting between Hilbert or Banach spaces—a formulation which quite often also serves as the basis for defining and analyzing solution methods. The additional amount of structure and geometric interpretability provided by the concept of an inner product has rendered these methods amenable to a convergence analysis, a fact which has led to a rigorous and comprehensive study of regularization methods in Hilbert spaces over the last three decades.However, for numerous problems such as x-ray diffractometry, certain inverse scattering problems and a number of parameter identification problems in PDEs, the reasons for using a Hilbert space setting seem to be based on conventions rather than an appropriate and realistic model choice, so often a Banach space setting would be closer to reality. Furthermore, non-Hilbertian regularization and data fidelity terms incorporating a priori information on solution and noise, such as general Lp-norms, TV-type norms, or the Kullback–Leibler divergence, have recently become very popular. These facts have motivated intensive investigations on regularization methods in Banach spaces, a topic which has emerged as a highly active research field within the area of inverse problems. Meanwhile some of the most well-known regularization approaches, such as Tikhonov-type methods requiring the solution of extremal problems, and iterative ones like the Landweber method, the Gauss–Newton method, as well as the approximate inverse method, have been investigated for linear and nonlinear operator equations in Banach spaces. Convergence with rates has been proven and conditions on the solution smoothness and on the structure of nonlinearity have been formulated. Still, beyond the existing results a large number of challenging open questions have arisen, due to the more involved handling of general Banach spaces and the larger variety of concrete instances with special properties.The aim of this special section is to provide a forum for highly topical ongoing work in the area of regularization in Banach spaces, its numerics and its applications. Indeed, we have been lucky enough to obtain a number of excellent papers both from colleagues who have previously been contributing to this topic and from researchers entering the field due to its relevance in practical inverse problems. We would like to thank all contributers for enabling us to present a high quality collection of papers on topics ranging from various aspects of regularization via efficient numerical solution to applications in PDE models.We give a brief overview of the contributions included in this issue (here ordered alphabetically by first author).In their paper, Iterative regularization with general penalty term—theory and application to L1 and TV regularization, Radu Bot and Torsten Hein provide an extension of the Landweber iteration for linear operator equations in Banach space to general operators in place of the inverse duality mapping, which corresponds to the use of general regularization functionals in variational regularization.The L∞ topology in data space corresponds to the frequently occuring situation of uniformly distributed data noise. A numerically efficient solution of the resulting Tikhonov regularization problem via a Moreau–Yosida appriximation and a semismooth Newton method, along with a δ-free regularization parameter choice rule, is the topic of the paper L∞ fitting for inverse problems with uniform noise by Christian Clason.Extension of convergence rates results from classical source conditions to their generalization via variational inequalities with a priori and a posteriori stopping rules is the main contribution of the paper Regularization of linear ill-posed problems by the augmented Lagrangian method and variational inequalities by Klaus Frick and Markus Grasmair, again in the context of some iterative method.A powerful tool for proving convergence rates of Tikhonov type but also other regularization methods in Banach spaces are assumptions of the type of variational inequalities that combine conditions on solution smoothness (i.e., source conditions in the Hilbert space case) and nonlinearity of the forward operator. In Parameter choice in Banach space regularization under variational inequalities, Bernd Hofmann and Peter Mathé provide results with general error measures and especially study the question of regularization parameter choice.Daijun Jiang, Hui Feng, and Jun Zou consider an application of Banach space ideas in the context of an application problem in their paper Convergence rates of Tikhonov regularizations for parameter identifiation in a parabolic-elliptic system, namely the identification of a distributed diffusion coefficient in a coupled elliptic–parabolic system. In particular, they show convergence rates of Lp-H1 (variational) regularization for the application under consideration via the use and verification of certain source and nonlinearity conditions.In computational practice, the Lp norm with p close to one is often used as a substitute for the actually sparsity promoting L1 norm. In Norm sensitivity of sparsity regularization with respect to p, Kamil S Kazimierski, Peter Maass and Robin Strehlow consider the question of how sensitive the Tikhonov regularized solution is with respect to p. They do so by computing the derivative via the implicit function theorem, particularly at the crucial value, p=1.Another iterative regularization method in Banach space is considered by Qinian Jin and Linda Stals in Nonstationary iterated Tikhonov regularization for ill-posed problems in Banach spaces. Using a variational formulation and under some smoothness and convexity assumption on the preimage space, they extend the convergence analysis of the well-known iterative Tikhonov method for linear problems in Hilbert space to a more general Banach space framework.Systems of linear or nonlinear operators can be efficiently treated by cyclic iterations, thus several variants of gradient and Newton-type Kaczmarz methods have already been studied in the Hilbert space setting. Antonio Leitão and M Marques Alves in their paper On Landweber–--Kaczmarz methods for regularizing systems of ill-posed equations in Banach spaces carry out an extension to Banach spaces for the fundamental Landweber version.The impact of perturbations in the evaluation of the forward operator and its derivative on the convergence behaviour of regularization methods is a practically and highly relevant issue. It is treated in the paper Convergence rates analysis of Tikhonov regularization for nonlinear ill-posed problems with noisy operators by Shuai Lu and Jens Flemming for variational regularization of nonlinear problems in Banach spaces.In The approximate inverse in action: IV. Semi-discrete equations in a Banach space setting, Thomas Schuster, Andreas Rieder and Frank Schöpfer extend the concept of approximate inverse to the practically and highly relevant situation of finitely many measurements and a general smooth and convex Banach space as preimage space. They devise two approaches for computing the reconstruction kernels required in the method and provide convergence and regularization results.Frank Werner and Thorsten Hohage in Convergence rates in expectation for Tikhonov-type regularization of inverse problems with Poisson data prove convergence rates results for variational regularization with general convex regularization term and the Kullback–Leibler distance as data fidelity term by combining a new result on Poisson distributed data with a deterministic rates analysis.Finally, we would like to thank the Inverse Problems team, especially Joanna Evangelides and Chris Wileman, for their extraordinary smooth and productive cooperation, as well as Alfred K Louis for his kind support of our initiative.

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