
Indonesia is a country where the majority are Muslims, Islamic boarding schools are educationalinstitutions that have developed in Indonesia, analyzing the development of halal ecosystems in the Islamicboarding school area, especially in the form of independence that we can see in terms of the economy,education and also the application of regulations applied in the Islamic boarding school. The independenceof Islamic boarding schools is a reinforcing part for the existence of a halal ecosystem in the Islamicboarding school area, with the existence of education, economy and policies implemented, it becomes astrengthening in the development of the halal ecosystem in the Islamic boarding school area itself. Thisstudy aims to determine how the form of application of regulations as a form of independence of MTATahfidz Putri Al-Amien and also to find out how the form of application of regulations as a form ofindependence that exists in MTA Putri Al-Amien in the perspective of maslahah.This research usesqualitative methods and uses an empirical qualitative approach method. The data sources obtainedthrough primary and secondary data, with data collection techniques through interviews, observations anddocumentation. The results obtained in this study state that the independence of MTA Putri AL-Amienfrom the aspect of the field of application of regulations or policies issued by the caregivers and ranks ofMTA Putri Al-Amien is part of strengthening the halal ecosystem in the pesantren area.Keywords: Halal Ecosystem, Islamic Boarding School, Form of Islamic Boarding SchoolIndependence

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