
The relevance of allergic diseases at the present stage is beyond doubt, due to the high incidence rates, the increase in cases of polysensitization, the severity of the forms of the course, the expansion of geographical boundaries and age limits. The problem of allergic rhinitis caused by plant pollen remains important as a result of climate change, an increase in the spread of allergenic plants, and a decrease in the resistance of the human body under the influence of adverse environmental factors. We analyzed the incidence of hay fever in the Voronezh region for the period from 2012 to 2021 based on statistical data from reporting forms. The incidence of the region is characterized by the annual registration of cases of allergy to pollen agents. A comparative assessment of the incidence of the Voronezh region with the indicators of the Russian Federation and the Central Federal District is possible from 2012 to 2017. The regional indicator (1.4 per 1,000 population) for this period is 1.5 times lower than the long-term average in the Russian Federation (2.11 per 1,000 population). At the same time, the analysis of the incidence of the region's territories showed that in some areas, the incidence rates among the adult population (up to 2.2 times), among adolescents (up to 1.6 times) and among children (up to 1.5 times) are higher than in the Russian Federation. Federation. Among other regions of the Central Federal District, the Voronezh region occupies a middle position in terms of incidence. Estimation of morbidity rates in the districts of the region reflects the variability of values from levels exceeding regional values to the complete absence of morbidity. The ranking of 32 districts of the region, as well as the inclusion of the urban district of Voronezh in the calculation, using the method of standard deviations from the average long-term incidence rate in the region, showed 8 areas of risk for the adult population of the region, 7 areas for the adolescent population and 7 areas of risk for the child population. In all age groups, the Ramonsky district was identified as a risk area.

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