
In the present contemporary society, the Emotional Intelligence is a nominal character that has become the part of the debate nowadays, and which acts as the source of most logistic litigation of the one’s character. Emotional Intelligence, though contemplates about one’s behaviouristic approach towards knowledge, skills, and attitude that epitomizes the worth efficiency of the students in the University and that can lead to the optimum utilization of the worth-full resources so that the aims and objectives can be fulfilled and that standard of thinking proceedings can be optimized to a great extent. The role of emotional intelligence in the process of elevating the academic performances of the students has been reviewed in many of the countries and through many of the authors. But, it has been found in this study that there is no to a very limited number of studies who all have investigated the role of emotions in the process of capturing better academic scores through education. The author thus, elucidated about the scenario which states the effect of Emotional Intelligence (EI) on the academic performance of the University Students. The study also assesses the prevailing scenario in-order to suggests some points that excavate the situation to the next level and is targeted at finding the correlation that exists between each of the factors of the Emotional Intelligence. The data that is collected through the well-structured and closed-ended questions that are found to be reliable enough as per statistics. The authors have done the analysis through various tests, i.e., Factor Analysis, Correlation, and MANOVA. After testing, positive and strong correlation is been found between each of the factors of Emotional Intelligence and it leads to the conclusion that the academic performance of the students is affected from Emotional Intelligence on. The resources used for data collection were limited as per the range of access of researcher’s leading to an analysis which can’t be to the complete world. Also, the cross-sectional data is been collected because of time constraint. The whole circumstances state that the different attributes of correlation are matched to the Emotional Intelligence of the University students and though it has been proved that Emotional appearance of the students is the key to understand the permutation and combination of the Intellectual complexities of the work over a period of the time.

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