
In our studies, it was proved that the use of the proposed composition of biostimulators allows us to effectively implement a number of vital properties for the embryo. The key ones, among others, include antioxidant ones, which caused a decrease in the abnormal intensity of lipoperoxidation, both due to their own antioxidant capabilities and due to the effect on the synthesis and activation of some other antioxidants. Vitagenic ones should also be noted, implemented through the effect on the activity of individual genes responsible for encoding catalase synthesis and regulating individual kinases in response to environmental stress. In turn, the metabolism-stimulating ones were determined by the optimization of metabolism, with the intensification of aerobic glycolysis and stimulation of ATP synthesis. Separately, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the sodium salt of lipoic acid is formed by a weak acid and a strong base, as well as the synergistic effect of the composition of the BAS used, which determined a decrease in lactate synthesis as a product of anaerobic decomposition of glucose, largely caused the coregulation of the possibility of the development of uncompensated acidosis and conditions for normalization of blood pH. No less important for the implementation of compensatory functions are the identified possibilities of more effective and close interrelations of metabolic processes when using a combination of the discussed biostimulants. Thus, the listed properties, constituting important elements necessary for the successful implementation of the mechanisms of natural resistance, and at the same time other adaptive capabilities of the organism, allowed to stabilize homeostasis in embryos and young animals, causing an increase in the intensity, quality of their development and viability of individuals for a long period in ontogenesis.

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