
The laboratory's activities lead to the storage of chemicals, analysis kits, biological samples, single-use material, etc. Depending on the storage conditions of certain products, it is necessary to create storage areas at different temperatures. The objective of our work is to underline the importance of the cold chain in the medical biology laboratory by presenting the experience of the Central Laboratory of CHU Mohammed VI of Oujda. The equipment for the preservation of biological collections must be placed in lockable rooms, with air conditioning and effective alarm systems, to ensure that the required temperatures are maintained. Access to the premises and collections is regulated and restricted to authorized and trained persons, a list of whom is established and regularly updated. The equipment is regularly maintained, defrosted, and the proper functioning of alarms is tested. Temperature control is ensured continuously, recorded, checked and the recording documents kept, in order to ensure the continuous traceability of the cold chain. All cold systems and cold measurement devices are subject to regular metrological checks. The results of these controls are archived. An emergency equipment must be maintained in working order to be able to receive samples in case of technical failure. Emergency response procedures should be posted near the equipment. Product storage rooms are ideally located according to the following parameters: on an exit accessible to delivery vehicles, which can sometimes carry several pallets of products per delivery, in close proximity to the technical rooms, to limit the movement of dangerous products and the creation of “wild stocks” in technical rooms that are too far away.

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