
The article analyzes the role and importance of scientific research in higher educational institutions, identifies the main tasks, functions of science and the main stages of development of scientific research, taking into account the requirements of the development of modern society.
 By research we mean the search of the new knowledge, a systematic investigation to establish the facts or the process of learning something. The purpose of scientific research is definition of a specific object and comprehensive, reliable study of its structure, characteristics, relationships based on the principles and methods of cognition developed in science, as well as obtaining useful results for human activity, introduction into production with the subsequent effect. Creating new technical tools and increasing requirements for existing ones, the emergence of new methods for solving technical problems call for a revision of the methods of studying and creating systematization, which allows accelerating the timing of the introduction of new technical solutions into the production process and making it more efficient, improving the qualification level of specialists.
 Thus, the functioning and development of countries is impossible without scientific research, the platform for which is higher education institutions, and the growth of the social product depends on scientific research. Scientific researchers have an exceptional significance for the development of all directions of higher educational institutions: education of specialists with high quality of training, formation of scientific schools, give prospects for effective use of scientific potential for the development of science itself, creation of new technologies and improvement of existing ones, facilitate the establishment and deepening of international scientific and educational relations, promote the development of international competitiveness, provide an opportunity to invent the latest technologies.

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