
The article considers the role and functions of artistic detail in the contemporary short stories. The investigation involved the flash fiction stories by the American writers written after the year 2020 and several short stories by the outstanding Canadian writer Alice Munro. The aim of the research is determining the major devices of prose poeticalness in these texts and revealing the role of artistic detail in creating poeticalness.Prose poeticalness is defined as such property of a prose text which involves the priority of poetic function and envisages the introduction of poetical features into prose – stylistic convergence, phonetical repetitions, parallelism, rhythm. Stylistic convergence can be considered the most foregrounded device of poeticalness as it involves the accumulation of different stylistic devices which add expressiveness to each other (M.Riffaterre). Our investigation shows that convergences function in strong positions of texts- the initial or final text fragments. Artistic detail is the object or some feature of the object which acquires special importance in the literary text (V.A.Kukharenko). Artistic detail is usually associated with metonymy or synecdoche, but unlike these tropes, it embraces the whole text. In the flash fiction stories and the short stories by A.Munro the major artistic details are objects like a coin (L.Wilson), a brooch (A.Munro), a glove (D.Shea) or a feature of appearance like a bruise (S.Dybek). These details characterize people’s behavior, their dreams and aspirations. Therefore, they symbolize love, friendship, sympathy and give polysemantic character to the narration. Another result of our investigation is determining the metaphoric detail (G.Paley) in the description of the woman, the mother of the defendant. Thus, the emotional effect of the artistic detail is realized in the metaphoric similes comparing the woman to the faded flower. These artistic details in combination with stylistic convergence create the impression of the texts as modern parables. The theoretical novelty of our research lies in the analysis of artistic details from the viewpoint of poeticalnees as well as in revealing the significance of emotional effect for prose poeticalness.The prospects of further research lie in the investigation of poeticalness in other genres of modern prose.

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