
This study discusses about the implementation of integrated one-stop licensing services related to service of SIUP, conducted by the Investment and Integrated Licensing Service Agency (IILSA) in Pasuruan City. In general there are any issues related to License for business activities, namely: the complicated procedures, high costs and legal uncertainty. To overcome this problem the government issued Permendagri number 24 of 2006 about Guidelines for the Implementation of One Stop Services. The focus of this study discusses the implementation of an integrated one-stop service, based on the rules associated with seeing some of the following elements: (1) executing actor (2) communication (3) resources (4) bureaucratic structure (5) the target group. This research used descriptive method with qualitative research approach. Activity of data analysis in this study consisted of data reduction, display and verification of data. The result of this research can be said that the implementation is done by IILSA of Pasuruan city has been good although there are a few things that need to be improved related to the internet connection is still an obstacle in the implementation of the operational in the delivery service for SIUP and also the lack of facilities and infrastructure available. Keywords: IILSA of Pasuruan City, L icensing Service, SIUP (Business License), Improve Service, T he Implementation .


  • The development local autonomy entered a new phase after the passage of law Number 32 year 2004 concerning regional Governments in lieu of law Number 22 year 1999

  • While local governments own affairs includes matters relating to basic services such as education, health care, the fulfillment of the necessities of life and infrastructure, and matters that are closely related to the development of the potential of regional distinctiveness and flagship [1]

  • Services became a very important thing to concern the traceability with the introduction of its law Number 32 year 2004 about local government

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The development local autonomy entered a new phase after the passage of law Number 32 year 2004 concerning regional Governments in lieu of law Number 22 year 1999. Implementation of licensing services in the Pasuruan City, Investment and Integrated Licensing Service Agency (IILSA) is based on Regulation of Pasuruan Mayor Number 8 year 2010. Implementing integrated one stop service by IILSA of Pasuruan city as strategy of improving service to the public is not making Pasuruan society flocked take care of Licensing for their trading business. It is known from the data obtained from the Department of cooperatives, industry and trade Pasuruan City reported in 2011 there is existing trading business 2.498.

Fajar Syodiq
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