
Industrial companies in both Indonesia and the world are now making green environment as a part of their business strategy. Various companies have proven that green environment will be able to increase the competitiveness of its companies. Through government policy, companies in Indonesia have initiated and created certain methods and approaches to realize green industry as a form of concern for the environment, one of which is carried out by PT. Tirta Investama (TIV) of Pandaan. The company engaged in Bottled Drinking Water (AMDK) has carried out various innovative approaches in the field of energy efficiency through the Juminten Program, emission reduction through re-setting the pressure of 1,500 Line-2 SBO machines, reducing B3 waste with the WyPall Tissue Utilization approach, and Non B3 by developing the Integrated Waste Management approach based on Purwosari Industrial Estate - Pandaan, water conservation through the Improvement Setting Final Rinse 5 Gallon, the approach of optimizing the wastewater recycling system in the Water Pollution Load Program, biodiversity program through Wareh Sapen, and community development through the Integrated Community Develoment.

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