
Mebidangro is a metropolitan area in Sumatera Utara Province that consists of some regencies and cities of Medan, Binjai, Deli Serdang, and Karo. The region becomes one of the national strategic developments that have been assigned by The President. In the planning, a part of the spatial arrangement refers to the role of Kualanamu International airport as the international transportation hub. Meanwhile, PT Angkasapura proposes the aerotropolis, a new town concept that based on the strategic function of the airport. The model is derived from John Kasada’s idea about the airport influence in generating and accelerating economic activity in a “city airport.” The study aims to explore ideas on planning and design a new town in Mebidangro that applies some aerotropolis theories, including spatial structure, land use and urban design guidelines. The result of the study indicates that aerotropolis can fit the vision of Mebidangro development in improving economic activity as well as community quality of life. However, the implementation should deal with some problems of land ownership and the community readiness. The research can contribute to enrich the way to implement any “import” town planning and design theory that corresponds to local environment condition.

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