ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to determine the proportion of income resulting from live body weight gain and from difference between the purchase and sale prices of lambs in the total income. Forty male, weaned Kivircik lambs (90 day-old) were randomly and equally allocated to five groups at a mean weight of 26.7 kg. During the study (84 days), experimental groups were fed diets which contained different levels of dietary crude protein (10, 12, 14, 16, 18%). Initial live-weight of lambs were 26.2 kg, 26.6 kg, 25.6 kg, 28.0 kg, 27.5 kg, respectively; final live- weight of lambs were 40.1 kg, 41.8 kg, 42.3 kg, 45.0 kg, 43.1 kg, respectively; total live-weight gain of lambs were 13.9 kg, 15.2 kg, 16.7 kg, 17.0 kg, 15.6 kg, respectively; price margins were 3.00%, 2.81%, 2.46%, 2.65%, 2.83%, respectively; weight margins were 97.00%, 97.19%, 97.54%, 97.35%, 97.17%, respectively. Average initial live-weight, average final live-weight, average total live-weight gain, average price margin and average weight margin were 26.78 kg, 42.46 kg, 15.68 kg, 2.74% and 97.26%, respectively. As a result of this study, it was indicated that great part of income of enterprise was obtained from live weight gain. Key Words: lamb fattening, price margin, weight margin. KIVIRCIK IRKI KUZU BESISINDE AĞIRLIK VE FIYAT MARJLARININ GELIRE OLAN ETKILERI OZET Arastirma, kuzu besisinden elde edilen gelir icinde canli agirlik artisindan saglanan gelir ile kuzu alis ve satis fiyatlari arasindaki farktan saglanan gelirin paylarini belirlemek amaciyla yapilmistir. Arastirmanin materyalini 90 gunde sutten kesilen ve her birinde sekiz bas Kivircik irki erkek kuzu bulunan bes ayri kuzu grubu olusturmustur. Bu gruplara icerikleri farkli olan rasyonlar 84 gun sure ile verilmistir. Gruplar itibariyle besi basi canli agirliklari sirasiyla 26.2 kg, 26.6 kg, 25.6 kg, 28.0 kg, 27.5 kg ve ortalama 26.78 kg; besi sonu canli agirliklari sirasiyla 40.1 kg, 41.8 kg, 42.3 kg, 45.0 kg, 43.1 kg ve ortalama 42.46 kg; saglanan canli agirlik artislari ise 13.9 kg, 15.2 kg, 16.7 kg, 17.0 kg, 15.6 kg ve ortalama 15.68 kg olarak belirlenmistir. Fiyat marji gruplara gore sirasiyla %3.00, %2.81, %2.46, %2.65, %2.83 ve ortalama %2.74; agirlik marji ise yine sirasiyla %97.00, %97.19, %97.54, %97.35, %97.17 ve ortalama %97.26 olarak hesaplanmistir. Bu calisma sonucunda isletme gelirlerinin cok buyuk oranda canli agirlik artislarindan saglandigi belirlenmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: kuzu besisi, fiyat marji, agirlik marji.
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