
Summary. Introduction: Active introduction of electronic learning tools in educational institutions poses new health risks to school-age children. Creating a modern and secure digital educational environment requires constant monitoring of the conditions and modes of use of new electronic tools, the diversity of which is changing rapidly. The purpose of this work was to assess certain parameters of indoor school environment influenced by the use of interactive panels (IPs), an e-learning tool of the latest generation. Materials and methods: We studied the parameters of electromagnetic radiation, microclimate (air temperature and relative humidity), artificial lighting levels, chemical composition of indoor air, concentrations of positive and negative air ions during the school day in classrooms with and without interactive panels. The measurements were carried out in accordance with the approved methods of laboratory and instrumental research, and the results were then assessed for compliance with current sanitary rules and regulations. Statistical processing of the results was carried out using parametric methods of statistical analysis. Results and conclusion: Indices of the microclimate and air ions in IP-equipped classrooms demonstrated a more pronounced negative dynamics during the school day. Our findings indicate the need for hygienists to pay close attention to the problem of using new electronic teaching aids and interactive panels in particular, to continue research in the area under study in order to elaborate hygienic regulations for applying IPs in the classroom and to prevent overwork and health risks to school-age children.

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