To investigate the impact of double filtration plasmapheresis (DFPP) and therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) on hemostasis in renal transplant recipients. 54 renal transplant patients with an acute humoral rejection were treated with therapeutic apheresis methods: 24 patients with DFPP and 30 patients with TPE. In all patients was performed 3-4 session. We analyzed international normalized ratio (INR), activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), fibrinogen concentration and platelet count just before and after each session, and after the course of all procedures. After TPE plasma replacement was performed with an equivalent volume of a fresh frozen plasma. After DFPP was performed 10-20% albumin solution. After each DFPP session was occurred an increased INR and aPTT. After course of all DFPP procedures fibrinogen level decreased by 46%. It was associated with increase of APTT and INR by 35% and 32% respectively. Mainly it was associated with dose of the procedures (volume of plasma perfusion), but not with the plasma separator type. One patient noted hemorrhagic complication. After each TPE session level of fibrinogen concentration, INR and aPPT remained in the normal range, but there was a moderate reduction in platelet count, more pronounced than during DFPP. Hemorrhagic complications were not. Double cascade plasmapheresis and therapeutic plasma exchange generate preconditions for hemorrhagic complications such as increased aPTT and INR, reduce fibrinogen concentration. However, bleeding complications are rare. At the same time, during high volume DFPP should be careful when initially level of fibrinogen is low. In this case fibrinogen concentration should be controlled after the procedure for timely replenishment of its deficit.
Obstetric atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome is one of the reasons for the development of acute kidney injury (AKI) and can determine the prognosis of both mother and child
The development of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) was preceded by obstetric complications, surgery, infection, etc
Obstetric aHUS is characterized by the development of AKI in 100% of cases
В исследование включены 45 пациенток с верифицированным диагнозом аГУС, ассоциированным с беременностью, которые получали лечение в перинатальных центрах Российской Федерации с последующим переводом в ряде случаев в Клинику нефрологии, внутренних и профессиональных болезней Первого МГМУ им. Лечение практически всех пациенток с аГУС (97,8%; 44 из 45 случаев) включало в себя введение свежезамороженной плазмы (СЗП), объемы которой значительно варьировали. Патогенетическая терапия комплемент-блокирующим препаратом экулизумаб проводилась 23 из 45 (51,1%) пациенток, при этом сроки начала терапии и ее продолжительность значительно варьировали. В зависимости от сроков начала лечения экулизумабом все пациентки условно разделены на три группы: «3 нед» – 5 пациенток, начавших лечение достаточно поздно, в сроки от 23 до 120 дней от дебюта аГУС. В табл. 1 и 5: Hb – гемоглобин, тр. – тромбоциты, АСТ – аспартатаминотрансфераза, АЛТ – аланинаминотрансфераза
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