
In 2020, human life and economic development faced an unprecedented threat with the global spread of the COVID-19 epidemic. As a world economic power, China in the first place in the national alarm and uphold the concept of human destiny community, bear the responsibility power, timely and strict epidemic prevention measures, to set up the epidemic prevention station line, together with other Chinese people, in the face of the outbreak, no compromise common fight against the disease. The blow for the global economy could be called a devastating epidemic, at the same time, The first-level response to major emergencies has been launched throughout the country. The state has halted activities other than basic living security and health care, shut down factories, shut down students, shut down public transport, and hit the national and even global economy hard. China has taken the lead in the global economic recovery by making full use of the "invisible hand" of macro-control policies to cope with the potential economic slowdown, supply-demand imbalance and employment decline caused by the new pandemic.

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