
Austria took a route different from Germany in the human sciences, not only in economics but also in philosophy and history. Whereas for many decades during the nineteenth century, German philosophy is dominated by Hegel's idealism and historicism and later by the anti-Hegelian reaction, in Austria Catholicism, realism and logical positivism is the prevailing currents of thought. The origins of the German Historical School (GHS) date back to the middle of the century, at that time in Austria the state of economics are clearly under-developed. As economist and statistician Karl Theodor von Inama-Sternegg represents the kind of unity of theory and practice which is so important to the German socialists of the chair. He acquires considerable reputation as the organizer of a modern statistical system in Austria. He equally concerns with the issues of social policy and engages himself actively in the organization of poor relief by serving as president of an association against poverty and begging.

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