
The fact that the coronavirus was detected in the Wuhan fish market has affected attitudes toward food, especially fish. This survey questioned the opinions and behaviours during and after lockdowns to understand the temporary and permanent effects of the pandemic. Respondents were concerned about virus transmission from food, especially during lockdowns (58%), while less concerned about transmission from fish (22.9%). Although the majority (57.1%) think that eating fish protects against the virus, they (˃60%) did not tend to consume more fish. Most respondents (49.6%) were concerned about food shortages and experienced food insecurity. Food consumption increased (58%) during lockdowns but decreased (29%) afterwards. Vegetables/fruits (51.4%), bakery (48.4%), grains/legumes (37.5%) consumption increased due to home cooking, and chicken preferred as animal protein. Although respondents preferred to buy online and packaged food, the majority (˃60%) were concerned about the freshness of online-ordered fish and did not prefer it (˃80%). Participants stocked food during the lockdowns (47.3%) but did not make it a habit afterwards. Respondents' answers showed that fish prices increased for budget during the pandemic. Findings will be helpful for the seafood sector and contribute to creating resilient and sustainable food environments that can better respond to future shocks that may affect humanity.

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