
This study aimed to identify the impact of rumors through social networks on national security and ways to face them from the point of view of the Jordanian political and media elites. This study belongs to the descriptive studies using the survey methodology, which were conducted on a sample of (125) individual from Jordanian Political and Media Elites. The study reached a number of results, the most important of which was that the most important social network spreading rumors and affecting national security is Facebook, with a percentage of (83.7%), and that The most content of rumors on social networks that poses a threat to national security is "causing confusion and influencing the patriotic feeling of citizens", which reached (90.70%), and that the danger of social media rumors to national security is represented chiefly by “spreading chaos in society.” The study also concluded that the best ways to combat rumors are to provide official information, deny rumors and counter them, which amounting to (72.09%).

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