
The article is focused on the impact that the social cash transfer has on the lives of the rural people. To assess the impact, the study will use processes involving literature reviews and field visits to institutions mandate to manage the scheme. Interviews will also be conducted with the beneficiaries through the help of an interview schedule that the researcher with design. Thus the main objective was to assess the relevance, appropriateness, sustainability, and impact of social cash transfer schemes in Shamwinda Village in Chibombo District, Zambia. It can be concluded that the research was successful because all the objectives that were alluded to in the first research were met. The findings were more positive than negative according to the article title, which is the impact of cash transfers on rural livelihood. Although it has been discovered that a higher percentage of the beneficiaries did not use their money to invest but on food. Therefore, it can be concluded that social cash transfers have played a tremendous change in the diet of the beneficiaries in Shamwinda Village.

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