The three-dimensional (3D) virtual reality content is widely used for educational and training purposes, and there has been interest in how virtual reality environments influence users’ learning effect. Analyzing survey data collected from a game play, this study examined how presence in a 3D virtual reality car driving simulation game impacts players’ learning transfer intention through flow, arousal, and enjoyment. Using structural equation modeling, the results showed that presence was positively associated with flow and arousal, which in turn contributed to an increase in enjoyment of the game. The enjoyment played a significant role in elevating the players’ learning transfer intention. These results provide an understanding of the psychological mechanisms behind the impact of presence on learning transfer intention in a 3D virtual reality driving simulation game. Limitations and implications of the study are discussed in greater detail.
Virtual reality (VR) technology has been used for educational and training purposes (Loup-Escande et al, 2017)
Analyzing game play data derived from a 3D VR car driving simulation game, this study explored the relationship between presence, flow, arousal, and enjoyment and how these factors in turn influence players’ learning transfer intention
Our study demonstrated an integrated model for explaining how presence influences learning transfer intention in a 3D VR environment based on the psychological process
Virtual reality (VR) technology has been used for educational and training purposes (Loup-Escande et al, 2017). This technology has shown the potential to influence users’ learning outcomes, such as learning transfer, which is the transfer of skills and knowledge acquired in one context to another context or situation (Mayer et al, 2011). VR car driving simulation content is designed to simulate a real vehicle, allowing users to learn driving skills and knowledge in a virtual environment (Burkhardt et al, 2016). There is little research regarding the influence of VR car driving simulation content on users’ learning transfer— especially among novice drivers. In the context of VR game environments, presence indicates the extent to which players perceive that they are inside the game world when manipulating controls and characters (Ho et al, 2017)
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