AbstractThe role played by predation of birds in the mortality of British bats is assessed. A review of dietary studies and anecdotal accounts revealed eleven species of bird which occasionally feed on bats–Herring GullLarus argentatus, Black‐headed GullLarus ridibundus, RookCorvus frugilegus, Carrion CrowCorvus corone, Little OwlAthene noctua, Short‐eared OwlAsio flammeus, KestrelFalco tinnunculus, HobbyFalco subbuteo, MerlinFalco columbarius, PeregrineFalco peregrinusand SparrowhawkAccipiter nisus.A further three species feed more frequently on bats–Barn OwlTyto alba, Tawny OwlStrix alucoand Long‐eared OwlAsio otus.Rates of predation were very low accounting for only 00034ooof items taken by small hawks and falcons (nitems = 29 519) but 0035o, of prey taken by owls (nitems = 99 479). By multiplying together the average annual prey capture rates of the predators, assessed from their energetic food requirements and direct observations of prey intake rates, the British populations of the predators and the contribution to the diet made by bats, the annual number of bats which die each year as a result of predation was estimated. The total losses of bats to predation might amount to about 201 400 bats/annum. The most significant predators are Tawny Owl (c.168 850 bats/annum), Barn Owl (c. 8800 bats/ annum), Long‐eared Owl (c. 10 200 bats/annum) and Kestrels (c. 8400 bats/annum). This predation by avian predators would account for about 11 % of the annual mortality of British bats. An assessment of the biases involved in this calculation suggests it is probably a minimum estimate. Despite the apparent low representation of bats in the diets of predatory birds, the effects of this predation on bat behaviour and population dynamics cannot be ignored.
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