
The article deals with the actual topic of the respiratory system functioning in elementary school students under the influence of training in health and sports tourism. Objective. To study the features of health and sports tourism session impact on the functioning of the respiratory system of children of primary school age. Methods. Analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical physiological methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The study consisted of a confirmatory (163 pupils of 2-4 grades) and forming (40 pupils of 3-4 classes) experiments. The main difference between health and sports tourism is the purpose of their use in the process of physical education: health improvement and enjoyment of motor activity within the framework of physical recreation and achievement of sporting result, respectively. During the confirmatory experiment, it was determined that the respiratory system of children of the junior school age is characterized by reduced values of pulmonary volumes and unsatisfactory indices of hypoxic samples. During forming experiment, it was found that children engaged in health tourism showed more significant increases in the parameters of the respiratory system compared with those engaged in sports tourism, namely: the index of Vital capacity - by 17.50 ml; Stange's test score - 0.20 sec; Ghenchy’s test score - by 0.30 seconds. It should be added that Stange's 15% sample rate has improved by 15% and the Ghenchy’s sample rate by 10% in experimental group as compared to control group. Thus, the use of health tourism in the physical education of junior pupils contributes more significantly to the development and functioning of their respiratory system.

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