
In an effort to protect students from the dangers, we must not forget that they are not only living in a real world, but also in a virtual world where While in the digital space, they communicate socially, have fun times and learn new things, but unfortunately they face some The son of bullying is one of the most dangerous things that students are likely to face as they have a negative impact on their mental health and their lives And the low level of academic achievement. The phenomenon of bullying is not the result of today, but what is new is the exploitation of some technology, in order to publish and facilitate and increased the seriousness of this phenomenon the proliferation of smart phones, tablets and social networking tools. The importance of the scientific paper in shedding light on the phenomenon of digital bullying in the school community and the role of the school in addressing this phenomenon, where we find that Violence has risen in contemporary schools to unprecedented levels and reached the extent of assault on teachers and students by bullying students where The limits of due respect between the student and his teacher have been lost, leading to a decline in the prestige of teachers and their impact on students, which encouraged some of them Domination over others using technology and social media, besides teaching can lead to traditional methods The centrality of the teacher as the sole source of knowledge and as the owner of absolute authority within the classroom is dependent on the adoption of violence and exclusion as a method of solution the problems. This is in addition to the absence of parallel activities within schools and the reduction of school life in formal activities conducted within the classroom. We find that the best deal with digital bullying and its impact on the school community is through educating teachers, parents and students about the behavior of digital bullying And change the culture of the school and make the school environment more positive and the inclusion of education on citizenship and civic behavior in the curriculum and the organization of parallel activities Concerned with the development of self-confidence and self-assertion and educational vigilance for early monitoring of cases of bullying and the development of remedial programs in collaboration with specialists in psychology

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