
The economic crisis, which was caused by theCOVID-19 pandemic, resulted in financial perturbations, leading to aloss of economic security for many companies. Corporate social responsibility activities speak about transparency, accountability, and credibility of thebrand in communication with stakeholders, therefore it is anessential aspect of it. It is, among other things, good employment practices, decent work, and responsibility for theproduct, service, and society, that summarily affect theeconomic security of thecompany. Thepurpose of thearticle is to show thecausal context of theimpact of CSR on theeconomic security of enterprises operating in theturbulent times of theCOVID-19 pandemic. Thearticle uses theoretical research methods including analysis of theliterature, phenomena occurring in society, and inference - as acognitive factor of theobject of analysis. Alarge role in thecognitive process in theempirical part was played by adiagnostic survey conducted with theuse of aquestionnaire technique, which allowed to specify theconsiderations undertaken. Theconducted research has brought alot of information on theimpact of brand activities in theera of pandemics on brand affiliation. They showed that CSR activities carried out by brands lead to remembering thebrand. Theresults also suggested in which spheres these activities should be conducted so that thecompany retains economic security.

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