
This systematic literature review aims to assess the impact of COVID-19 on male fertility. The study draws upon data extracted from PubMed, SciELO, and LILACS databases. The review incorporates cross-sectional studies, cohort studies, and clinical trials, encompassing investigations related to the subject matter. The studies included were published between June 2020 and March 2023, and encompassed content in English, Portuguese, and Spanish. Exclusion criteria encompassed review articles, case reports, abstracts, studies involving animal models, duplicate articles, and letters to the editor. Data extracted included the author's name and publication year, the number of patients studied, patient age, the presence of COVID-19 in semen, observed hormonal changes, and alterations in seminal quality. While hormonal changes and a decline in seminal quality were observed in COVID-19 patients, the virus itself was not detected in semen in the analyzed articles, which contradicts certain findings in the existing literature. It is essential to note that methodologies in the studies were diverse, and, due to the novelty of this infection, it is premature to definitively ascertain its long-term effects on male fertility or whether fertility can recover after a period of convalescence. This underscores the necessity for further research, utilizing more robust methodologies such as cohort studies.

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