
1. Surveys have shown that there has been a dramatic decrease in the weed flora of fields under rotational cultivation during the last 30 years. This trend has been particularly noticeable in winter cereals, a crop of increasing importance in the landscape. 2. The weed flora of spring and winter cereals was compared in 19 unsprayed fields during a 5‐year study to test the hypothesis that cereal type exerts no effect on the flora or on the absolute and relative abundance of single species. 3. Plant and species densities, and accumulated species richness, were lower in winter than in spring cereals. 4. Floristic similarity was greater among spring cereal fields and between spring and winter cereals within the same fields than among winter cereal fields. 5. Species that occurred with unequal density in spring and winter cereals occurred at higher densities in the spring cereals; these species germinated mainly in the spring. However, for a few species the relative plant abundance was highest in winter cereals; these species were able to germinate both in the spring and autumn. 6. Some species – on the relative scale – occurred indifferently of season of sowing; all but one of these species were able to germinate both in the spring and autumn. 7. Plant species and taxa that are important food resources for arthropod herbivores occurred at greater densities in spring than in winter cereals and, in addition, occurred with the highest relative abundance in spring cereals. 8. Change in land use from spring to winter cereals involves not only an immediate reduction of more than 25% in the density of plants and species, but also a change and increased uncertainty in the composition of the weed flora. These findings may have serious implications for the ecology of wildlife in the agricultural landscape.

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