Art-based learning, which incorporates artistic media into educational practices, has emerged as a transformative approach to enhancing curriculum delivery. This paper examines how integrating art into various academic disciplines fosters creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence while enriching student engagement and learning outcomes. Drawing on theoretical frameworks such as experiential learning and social-emotional development, the paper highlights research studies demonstrating the positive impacts of art on academic achievement and cognitive development. It examines practical strategies for art integration, including collaborative projects, interdisciplinary approaches, and leveraging technology. Additionally, the assessment and evaluation of art-based learning outcomes are discussed, emphasizing the challenges and opportunities in quantifying creativity and originality. The paper concludes with insights into future directions for professional development and systemic integration of art into curricula, advocating for its potential to prepare learners for 21st-century challenges. Keywords: Art-based learning, curriculum enhancement, interdisciplinary education, creativity, experiential learning.
Published Version
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