
Current developments in the global and national economics point to a number of problems faced by real entities in the real sector, and as a special area of interest for the scientific public there is a need to provide conditions for the smooth running of the reproduction processes in the enterprise and the realization the positive results of the operation. Enterprises are drivers of inclusive economic growth in the Republic of Macedonia and in creating productive and sustainable jobs.The new conception of the small enterprise as a carrier and engine of economic development is quite persuasive with its economic logic and reaffirms the small enterprise as a significant economic sector. The activities within the small enterprises are aimed at intensifying the results of the work by achieving a balance between objective possibilities and good working principles. The monitoring of the small enterprise, through the prism of its influence on economic growth and development, rejects the traditional view for small enterprises as security guards.The SME sector is a driver of inclusive economic growth in Macedonia and the creation of sustainable jobs increasing productivity. It also does not agree with the notion that small enterprises are economically inefficient organisms.With the third technological revolution in the countries with a developed market economy, the domination of the so-called. small economy, that is, the sector of small and medium enterprises. Today, small enterprises have a growing number of supporters who believe that small enterprises are carriers of innovation and entrepreneurship and are able to react quickly to changes in the environment. For years, the Republic of Macedonia has faced a high rate (29%, June 2013) of general unemployment, which remains a key challenge for stabilizing the economic and social development of the country. The subject of research in this paper is focused on conducting analysis of the active enterprises in the Republic of Macedonia by size, by sector and by number of employees, as well as analysis of the activity of the population and employment by sectors and by type of ownership of the enterprise in the period from 2013-2017.

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