The Lambda-CDM (Cold Dark Matter) standard cosmological model is the generally accepted model of modern cosmology. However, many questions remain such as it doesn’t explain what Dark matter or Dark Energy is and what it is made of. Also to be the premier cosmological model it can't explain why we see no antimatter in the universe. This paper attempts to answer those questions and many more by incorporating FTL imaginary mass (Tachyons) into the Lambda-CDM (Cold Dark Matter). Rather than having a matter-antimatter big bang this new cosmological theory uses a big bang pair production of matter and FTL imaginary matter. In so doing it explains the effects of Dark Energy, Dark matter and a host of other cosmological phenomena that the current Lambda-CDM standard cosmological model can't answer. To support this Imaginary Mass Lambda-CDM model theory an electromagnetic experimental set-up is proposed so others can test and verify(indirectly) the existence of Tachyon matter.
Traditional cosmology theorize that equal amounts of matter and antimatter were produced in the big bang
This paper explores a different type of pair production, not of matter and antimatter but matter and Tachyon matter to determine if Dark Energy, Dark Matter and a host of other cosmological questions can be answered by incorporating imaginary mass
Further sections discuss the effects of a quantum entangled imaginary Tachyon universe to our visible universe to explain quantum gravity, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, GRBs and inflation that the current LambdaCDM can't answer
Traditional cosmology theorize that equal amounts of matter and antimatter were produced in the big bang. The EM waves still travel at the speed of light but it’s EM wave structure and properties is reverse compared to normal EM radiation Based on this new standard cosmological model we know that the structure of faster than light particles are Hyperboloid in shape. The experiment will enable us to go beyond the I.M. cosmological theoretical model to applied high energy Tachyon physics If this experiment reproduces the Bizarre electromagnetic radiation properties of Tachyon electromagnetic waves, it will support the validity of this new Imaginary Mass Lambda-CDM model. Further sections discuss the effects of a quantum entangled imaginary Tachyon universe to our visible universe to explain quantum gravity, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, GRBs and inflation that the current LambdaCDM can't answer It is predicted the EM wave will be an open or hyperbolic configured wave compared to normal EM waves like the Hyperboloid geometry is to the sphere.
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