
In the works of E. Kontratovych in the early period and the period of heyday, there are the everyday works, the main character of which is a woman. In the early period (1930–1943), the image of woman plays in the main theme of begging – disadvantaged women, suffered beggars. This is connected with the showing the fate of the Verkhovyna population, which suffered because of the World Economic Crisis of the 1930s. At that time, the artist was also interested in the folklore and mysterious world of the legends and myths of the Carpathians, embodied in the original female types. The works of the early period are executed mainly in the expressionist style, which are characterized by roughness and deformation of the form, dramatic, contrasting colors. A special role was assigned to the landscape, which the artist used as a means of enhancing of the emotional color. In some of the works, the main characters are depicted against the background of ruined houses, bare trees, which increases the sense of tragedy, drama. In others, the landscape is neutral or conditional, which suggests the indifference to the fate of the depicted women. With the beginning of the period of heyday (1944–1990), the range of topics devoted to the life of the Transcarpathian peasantry is expanding considerably. In works, the woman acts in the characted of a mother ("Transcarpathian Madonna"), a reaper, a laundress, a harvester. Launched in the 1930s, a series devoted to the fate of women, became more significant in the 1960s–1970s. The works of the period of heyday are mainly executed in the style of "Carpathian" expressionism. Forms of objects are molded with a soft brush stroke, the rhythm of the composition is built on the motion of brushwork, rounded lines. The artist prefers rich, vivid color that enhances the life-affirming emotions. The landscape also takes on an uplifting mood. Regardless of color, stylistic preferences and compositional changes, E. Kontratovych's works, devoted to the image of women are designed to glorify a woman as a mother and a worker, to create her idealized image for inspiration and admiration.



  • In the early period (1930–1943), the image of woman plays in the main theme of begging – disadvantaged women, suffered beggars

  • This is connected with the showing the fate of the Verkhovyna population, which suffered because of the World Economic Crisis of the 1930s

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THE IMAGE OF A WOMAN IN EVERYDAY WORKS OF E. Контратовича, які тематично можна поділити на окремі серії. Kontratovych in the early period and the period of heyday, there are the everyday works, the main character of which is a woman. Контратовича раннього періоду (1933–1943) та періоду розквіту (1944–1990) наявні жанрові полотна, головним персонажем яких виступає жінка. Що жанрові твори на тему роботи жінок у полі, збору врожаю, прання та серію «Закарпатські мадонни» художник розпочав наприкінці 1930-х – на початку 1940-х років, створивши по дві-три роботи підготовчого характеру.

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