
History of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug is an integral part of the Russian history. Event of regional history are often becomes the subject of study of a wide range of researchers. The purpose of the article is to analyze the ideological and socioeconomic factors of the peasant exile in 1930-1940 on the example of the OstyakoVogulsky National District. The work presents an analysis of state policy towards kulaks. The Orders presented in the article, the Decrees, the analysis of the policies pursued by the Soviet authorities, allow us to consider the ideological foundations of the kulak exile. Socio-economic factors reflect the process of special settlements system development, the use of forced labor of special settlers in the Ostyako-Vogulsky National District, its ways and measures. Describes the process of settlement of Ostyako-Vogulsky National District special resettlers. Special villages were organized in areas where there was a shortage of labor. Special settlers contributed to the active development of the Ostyako-Vogulsky National district. The author highlights the issues of employment in rural areas of special settle, as well as associated difficulties and their overcoming. Shown their contribution in development of the economic potential of the region, various sector of the economy. The data presented in the article confirm that the settlers made up the bulk of the workforce in the forestry and fishing industries of the region and made a significant contribution to the development of the district. Forced resettlements of dekulakized peasants contributed to fundamental changes in the district. There was an increase in the population of the OstyakoVogulsky National District, new settlements appeared due to special settlements.


  • История Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа History of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous является неотъемлемой частью истории России

  • Okrug is an integral part of the Russian history

  • Представленные в статье постановле- ders presented in the article, the Decrees, the ния, декреты, анализ политики, проводимой со- analysis of the policies pursued by the Soviet auветской властью, позволяют рассмотреть идеоло- thorities, allow us to consider the ideological гические основания кулацкой ссылки

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История Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа History of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous является неотъемлемой частью истории России. На примере Остяко-Вогульского exile in 1930-1940 on the example of the Ostyakoнационального округа. Socio-economic экономические факторы отражают процесс раз- factors reflect the process of special settlements вертывания системы спецпоселений, формы и system development, the use of forced labor of масштабы применения принудительного труда special settlers in the Ostyako-Vogulsky National спецпоселенцев в Остяко-Вогульском округе. The data presented in the arстатье, подтверждают, что спецпоселенцы состав- ticle confirm that the settlers made up the bulk of ляли большую часть рабочей силы в лесной, рыб- the workforce in the forestry and fishing indusной промышленности края и внесли значитель- tries of the region and made a significant contriный вклад в развитие округа.

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