
The idea is the philosophical issue that needs rethinking. Prejudices similar to geocentrism have influenced and continue to influence the views of theologians and philosophers on «ideas. » Main objective the aim of the work is to summarize what is known about ideal objects, highlighting some fundamental and special properties of the ideal. Research (at the experimental level) of culture (in its broadest sense) allowed relying on facts by induction, by analogy and deduction, using the concepts and means of formalization of set theory, general algebra and mathematical analysis to identify a separate intangible component in cultural substance (fundamental fact), to assume the presence and negativity of the ideal component in living substance, to identify the epicenter of bio and cultural creativity — the Creator. The most important result is the separation of substance and energy of the ideal, the metamorphosis of substance (idempotency of the atom in living and cultural substances), the flow of energy (± entropy) and the evolution of the ideal (creation), as well as identifying the epicenter of bio and cultural creativity. We emphasize that so far at the atomic level. Despite the obvious facts, they did not receive a clear wording. Having received this formulation, they become important in the logical construction of various scientific disciplines and worldview systems. Our statements can be easily verified. Verification methods provide an opportunity to verify the findings. Further research in this direction is urgently needed.

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