
The article examines the similarities parallelism ideal living and cultural components of matter. Cultural studies (in its broadest sense) provided an opportunity to discover (highlight) in the presence of the living matter of cultural material and as an element in it define human clearly identify (at the level of the experiment) in a matter of a separate cultural ideal component (namely – the culture), and assume the existence of an ideal component of separability in living matter. Matching components ideal living and cultural manifestation of the substance revealed similarities (parallelism). The question arose as applicable with respect to the obtained empirically biological laws? In unity, integrity of the world we quite clearly distinguish inanimate matter, it matter throes of biological life, and the differences in terms of living matter, mastered Integral space (vsyudnost), which occurs continuously circulation of matter and energy transitions, in which the ideal structure learned and learns to introduce components of its activities,structure space, manage energy. If we define the inanimate substance (IS) as a certain set, then living matter (LM) is a subset of this set, in which there is a subset – cultural living matter (CLM). CLM ⊂ LM ⊂ IS Homo sapiens as a species (HSs) – a subset of living matter (LM) – HSs ⊂ LM, and as individual (HSi) – his element: HSi ∈ LM, respectively – HSi ∈ HSs. Human of the as a community (HCc) – a subset of cultural living matter (CLM) – HCс ⊂ CLM, and how the individual (HCi) – his element: HCi ∈ CLM, respectively : HCi ∈ HCс. Cultural living matter, the example of human a discourse tangible medium (in this case biological – homo sapiens) and its ideal content (human culture). Material component, for example, at the atomic level (without affecting even the subatomic and structural levels) isolated sets composed of the same elements (a), which are in constant motion, flowing from one organization phase state of matter and energy into another. {a | CLM (a )} ⊂ { a | LM (a )} ⊂ { a | IS (a) } The number of atoms in this set consistently. Although the distinction and is seen on the matter and energy, yet clearly shows that the differences are not material sets, and the ideal component. Accordingly, cultural people, is the composition of mapping functions ideal components – (bios) and displaying the life and display culture at the atomic level C(L(a)). Thus, in the lively and cultural matter, we are witnessing the transformation, metamorphosis, development, changes in two sets: one set on the material, the other on the set of perfect. A variety of elements of the set material, at the atomic level, consists of a finite set of elements, atoms {а1, а2, …, а118}, is known today about 118. It is negligible in comparison with the existing variety of combinations in the geosphere, the biosphere, the noosphere. Variety ideal set of maps constructed features, properties, functions as a relatively small, at its core, the number of elements: {і1, і2, …, іп}, where n, we assume at the atomic level, uniquely, of course. Cardinality of this set is certainly less in comparison with a variety of combinations. Ideal cultural component of living matter contains two subsets of a single species of sets, which we denote the word life and Set of life at the species level, consisting of a variety of forms of life, and a lot of culture, consisting of a variety of cultures – separate but mutually affecting and related to the generality of tasks, namely the preservation, development and reproduction. These basic tasks emphasize solved on a single set (for example, one of which atomic levels), and determine the similarity of solutions in the continuum results on subsets of life and culture. This does not mean that and as a whole or some parts are completely identical or similar. It just says that the algorithms, principles, solutions have some similarity, close to each other, and they ask a certain linear ordering defined mutual consistency, concurrency, the intersection area. L f∩C, where f – some principles, algorithms, and solution approaches. Determination that there is the area of intersection of sets life and culture: – Lf∩C, is promising to use experimentally validated scientific developments, experienced truth, inductive and theoretical generalizations, providing a description, explanation and prediction, made at the time regarding the living substance.

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