
The article deals with the scientific approaches of the outstanding Ukrainian educator, philosopher, organizer of pedagogical education I. A. Ziaziun (1938-2014) on the essence and content of the «ideal teacher» training; the academic work of the scientist in the domain of author’s ideas about the formation of the future teachers personality in the system of professional training, the development of leading universal values, humanistic principles of education and upbringing have been analyzed. Creative approaches to the formation of a high level of pedagogical activity-action – a dominant component of pedagogical skills have been elaborated.The scientific-theoretical approaches of I. A. Ziaziun to consideration the preparation specifics of an «ideal teacher» at pedagogical institutions of education, the formation of leading values, which should become a pledge of professional and pedagogical activities have been revealed.I. A. Ziaziun’s beliefs that an «ideal teacher» should be picked up from the school desk have been distinguished. «Ideal teacher» is first and foremost a person who provides a high level of communicative interaction, because all problems of learning and education are associated with ineffective communication, which is based on the lack of trust in the creative ability of the student’s personality and disrespect for his personality spontaneity motivated search for interest and meanings. It has been determined that the specificity of the «Ideal Teacher» personality as a subject of pedagogical action, according to I. A. Ziaziun consists of his personal qualities, experience, appearance, manners, behavior.It is proved that humanistic orientation of the teacher’s personality influence on the student’s behavior for the purpose of his subsequent change. Teacher’s actions are subordinated to the real interests of the individual. In this sense, the humanist orientation fully corresponds to the main tasks of personality-oriented pedagogy – to help a person in determining the relation to himself, other people, the world around him and his professional activities.As an unsurpassed aesthete and theorist of pedagogical skill, I. A. Ziaziun defended the most up-to-date value of teacher profession – the beauty of pedagogical action. The scientist convinced that the basis of human life is a feeling. Teachers, regardless of specialty, should be saturated with positive feelings of the environment of their students.

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