
The strategies to combat Alzheimer's Disease (AD) have been changing with respect to the failures of many drug candidates assessed in clinical studies, the complex pathophysiology of AD, and the limitations of the current drugs employed. So far, none of the targets, either validated or nonvalidated, have been shown to be purely causative in the generation and development of AD. Considering the progressive and the neurodegenerative characteristics of the disease, the main strategy has been based on the design of molecules capable of showing activity on more than one receptor, and it is defined as multi-target ligand design strategy. The hybrid molecule concept is an outcome of this approach. Donepezil, as one of the currently employed drugs for AD therapy, has also been utilized in hybrid drug design studies. This review has aimed to present the promising donepezil-like hybrid molecules introduced in the recent period. Particularly, multi-target ligands with additional activities concomitant to cholinesterase inhibition are preferred.

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