
The purpose of the article is the analysis of the provisions of the first Constitution of Romania of 1866 in terms of guaranteeing of Human Rights and freedoms by the state. The article points out that the adoption of the Constitution of 1866 became a fateful state legal act for the entire Romanian people, since it meant a radical change in the ratio of external and internal factors in the state-building process of the Romanian state. To achieve this goal, general scientific and special-scientific methods of cognition were used, in particular, dialectical-legal-comparative, legal-formal. It has been determined that the accepted Constitution in 1866 in terms of guaranteeing Human Rights and freedoms has had a truly liberal character and has become the progressive state-legal act for the state-building process of Romania; the need to follow the norms of the Basic Law gradually have made constitutionalism as the form of thinking, which has contributed to the further expansion of democratic rights and freedoms and the development of the democratic views in the country.

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