
Major gas-rich mergers of galaxies are expected to play an important role in triggering and fuelling luminous AGN. We present deep multi-band (u/r/z) imaging and long slit spectroscopy of four double-peaked [OIII] emitting AGN, a class of objects associated with either kcp-separated binary AGN or final stage major mergers, though AGN with complex narrow-line regions are known contaminants. Such objects are of interest since they represent the onset of AGN activity during the merger process. Three of the objects studied have been confirmed as major mergers using near-infrared imaging, one is a confirmed X-ray binary AGN. All AGN are luminous and have redshifts of 0.1 < z < 0.4. Deep r-band images show that a majority (3/4) of the sources have disturbed host morphologies and tidal features, while the remaining source is morphologically undisturbed down to low surface brightness limits. The lack of morphological disturbances in this galaxy despite the fact that is is a close binary AGN suggests that the merger of a binary black hole can take longer than ~1 Gyr. The narrow line regions (NLRs) have large sizes (10 kpc < r < 100 kpc) and consist of compact clumps with considerable relative velocities (~ 200-650 km/s). We detect broad, predominantly blue, wings with velocities up to ~1500 km/s in [OIII], indicative of powerful outflows. The outflows are compact (<5 kpc) and co-spatial with nuclear regions showing considerable reddening, consistent with enhanced star formation. One source shows an offset between gas and stellar kinematics, consistent with either a bipolar flow or a counter-rotating gas disk. We are not able to unambiguously identify the sources as binary AGN using our data, X-ray or radio data is required for an unambiguous identification. However, the data still yield interesting results for merger triggering of AGN and time-scales of binary black hole mergers.

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