
We present here a view of the firing patterns of hippocampal cells that is contrary, both functionally and anatomically, to conventional wisdom. We argue that the hippocampus responds to efference copies of goals encoded elsewhere; and that it uses these to detect and resolve conflict or interference between goals in general. While goals can involve space, hippocampal cells do not encode spatial (or other special types of) memory, as such. We also argue that the transverse circuits of the hippocampus operate in an essentially homogeneous way along its length. The apparently different functions of different parts (e.g. memory retrieval versus anxiety) result from the different (situational/motivational) inputs on which those parts perform the same fundamental computational operations. On this view, the key role of the hippocampus is the iterative adjustment, via Papez-like circuits, of synaptic weights in cell assemblies elsewhere.

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