
The study describes stages of spreading information about the Holodomor1932-1933 by national and world public highlights specifics and features of it in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. Historiography has been analyzed. The main features of the Soviet period are analyzed: total denial of the USSR leaders to the Holodomor and introduction of an information blockade on the territory of the Union; prosecution for any mention of the Holodomor; discrediting persons who spread information; concealment, falsification or destruction of incriminating documents; creation of agents network and introduction of fake versions in order to minimize the socio-political consequences of the truth about the Holodomor; absence of this topic in socio-political and scientific discourses. Among the main characteristic of the post-Soviet period are the following: joining of the Holodomor topic as a genocide of the Ukrainian people into socio-political and scientific discourses; using it in political or geopolitical struggle, organizing controversies over its territorial and chronological boundaries, pressuring international organizations and governments to deny or not recognize the Holodomor as genocide, and introducing controversies to maximize the neutralization of social and political consequences publicizing the truth about it. Keywords: Holodomor (the Great Famine), genocide, information, scientific research, Soviet period, post-Soviet period, USSR, USSR.

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