
Cores from four coastal plains of the Mar Ligure Sea in N Tuscany and E Liguria (Italy) were investigated by means of pollen analysis to delineate the Holocene landscape history of the NW Italian coasts. In the first half of the Holocene ( c. 9800—7000 cal. yr BP) all four sites show elevated percentages of Abies pollen which suggest the local presence of fir woods (with Ulmus, Tilia, etc.). In the second half of the Holocene (from 7000 cal. yr BP), Abies becomes locally extinct along the coasts leaving space for the development of mosaic landscapes formed by open meso-thermophilous woods (with deciduous Quercus, Alnus , Corylus) and Mediterranean maquis (with Erica cf. arborea). The new data represent a significant contribution to the reconstruction of the landscape history of the NW Italian coasts and of the history of fir in Italy. Along all examined cores discontinuous pollen records show that initially the coastal areas were characterized by retrodunal wetlands; after c. 6000 cal. yr BP only the larger plains in N Tuscany remained extensively damp while the smaller plains in E Liguria were buried (and/or drained). Thus, these buried deposits of ‘fossil’ coastal wetlands proved to be only partially useful for high-resolution environmental archaeology and history studies. Nonetheless they are unique traces of ecosystems that provided important local economic resources for millennia and formed elements of the coastal cultural landscapes which have almost totally disappeared today.

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