
AbstractThe people's antifascist uprising in September, 1923, organized and conducted by the Bulgarian Communist Party (BCP), is one of the greatest events in Bulgaria's modern history. It is allotted a foremost place in the textbooks on the history of Bulgaria, and numerous special scientific works have been and will continue to be dedicated to it.* However, the September uprising of 1923 is not merely of interest to Bulgarian history alone; it also occupies an important place in the recent history of mankind. Three major events characterize the revolutionary process in 1923: the September uprising in Bulgaria, the Hamburg uprising in Germany in October, and the Kraków uprising in Poland in November. Comparatively, the September uprising involved the largest number of participants and was the best organized and the best conducted of the three uprisings. This fact was pointed out at the Fifth World Communist Internationale and is why all objectively written works of general history give it a prominent place.

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