
We present an analysis of the evolution of social and cultural activities as part of the history of Russia in the context of youth participation in the activities of public associations. We analyze the ideas, positions and components of periodization in scientific works describing the evolution of social and cultural activities. The results of the analysis of the concept of socialization and its main components are presented. We reveal the potential of public associations as a means of youth socialization. The functions of a public association as a social and cultural institution are singled out. The analyzed theory of social and cultural activities made it possible to reveal the periodization of the development of social and cultural activities. The change in social and economic conditions is defined as the main factor in the periodization of the history of social and cultural activities. We give the characteristics of each period on the basis of the social demand for the development of society and culture, innovative forms of social and cultural activity are revealed, scientific publications of scientists are analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the ideas, goals and forms of youth participation in socially useful activities based on the context of time. An analysis of the current stage of development of social and cultural activities is given, taking into account modern trends in the development of culture and society, based on pedagogical ideas in the scientific literature corresponding to each period, and legal acts. Emphasis is placed on the socialization of young people within the framework of modern public associations.

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