
Sangam literature is the epitome of Tamil literature. It has internal and external distinctions. Among them, Pulavar’s called the blissful life of one and the same person who is united by similar love as Agam. The characters in this are called internal Characters. He called their speeches statements. The Characters that make up that claim are categorized as Kalavu and Karppu. The Tolkappiyam (Tol. 1445 - 1452) states that these include the ten who listened to the claims of the Hero and the Heroine, Bangan, friend, nurse, Panan, Kuttan, Virali, Bharata, Ariva, Condor, etc., In the songs composed by Eva, the honors of the Hero and the Heroine are spoken. Among them, Tolkappiyam refers to chastity, lust, benevolence, mellifluence, mass, hospitality, and circumcision (Tol. 1098) as the virtues of the old woman who was a housewife. All these are the pillars of life. Tolkappiyam House Wife’s virtues include chastity, lust, morality, mass, patience, feasting, circumcision, etc. These also apply to women who show association literature. Illaram is a joint venture between a man and a woman.

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