
China and Pakistan diplomatic relation started from 1951 which has grown over the years. China is providing humongous weapons, aircrafts and submarines to Pakistan in spite Pakistan being in debt and now Turkey has also started to provide military weapons to Pakistan, the ultimate aim to is attack India .The string of pearls is a geopolitical strategic to surround Indian peninsular from all sides by creating naval base in its neighbor countries .The economic corridor of China and Pakistan is also a weapon to keep a check on India and amplify Pakistan influence in the Indian Ocean region by providing them powerful submarines. However due to China’s belt and road initiative project which is one of the most financial risk projects has made china lost its appetite to provide money for large infrastructure projects especially in Pakistan, the disagreement between Pakistan and China on CPEC has stopped the work ahead. China is also supporting the Maoist, North- East insurgency and terrorist groups in India by providing those arms and has also attacked India through Cyber warfare. China through the string of pears, CPEC, Belt and Road initiative is trying to encircle India. Keyword: China, Pakistan, India, CPEC, String of pears, military, diplomatic relations, Indian Peninsula, Indian Ocean

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