
Along the perimeter of the Far East region of Russia, a formed closed transport and economic structure has been identified. It can be described as the Great Far Eastern Transport and Economic Ring (GFETER). Four large segments are identified and considered in its composition: the latitudinal Southern and Arctic marine, as well as the meridional Western and Pacific marine. They are large interacting parts of the general territorial and aqua-territorial transport and economic structure, which consists of linear links represented by communication routes, nodes - settlements that perform certain transport and other functions, territorial and water zones of gravity to these structural elements. The analysis of the current state of the spatial structure of GFETER was carried out. This formation serves the most important passenger and cargo transportation - from intra-regional to inter-regional and transit, provides various forms of spatial development of the Far East region.The transport specialization of the elements of this spatial structure of the GFETER is shown. The linear elements of the GFETER segments perform transport functions. Transport nodes in general perform more diverse functions determined by the action of a combination of factors: economic-geographical and transport-geographical position, geodemographic, scientific, technical and natural resource potentials, natural and climatic conditions. The main functions of the GFETER transport hubs are highlighted. The Vladivostok agglomeration hub occupies a special place among them. The significance of the GFETER for the Far East is due to the fact that its segments include territories and water areas where large natural resources are being developed. In the long term, various forms of spatial development of this structure are possible, including the construction of an Arctic railway line and a railway along the river. Lena. The construction of various transport links along the Pacific coast is also expedient. All this will initiate new forms of spatial development of the Far East region as a whole.The development of a transport perimeter in the form of a GFETER significantly expands the prospects for the long-term integrated development of the region, improves the coordination and interaction of various modes of transport, and increases the degree of its regularity and reliability. This is especially true in view of the vast distances and growing volumes of traffic. The logistics potential inherent in GFETER can significantly strengthen Russia’s position in international transportation and cooperation.

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