
IN the kindly review of my work by Prof. de Lapparent, which appeared in NATURE of 5th inst., there are one or two inaccuracies which I would at once have corrected had I not shrunk from drawing attention, even for purposes of rectification, to an article which I felt to be too eulogistic. Lest, however, my silence be misinterpreted, there is one point on which I wish to say a few words. Prof. de Lapparent, when alluding to the solution of the problem of the geological structure of the Northwest Highlands, makes no reference to the distinguished part taken in that subject by Prof. Lapworth. But every one who has followed the progress of geology in recent years is familiar with his work. For myself, I have had no personal share in the discovery. Like most geologists I had accepted the views of Sir Roderick Murchison, and I held to them, until, after the Geological Survey was for the first time extended to Sutherland in 1883–84, I was finally convinced that they were untenable by the brilliant mapping of my colleagues, Messrs. Peach and Home, who, following Prof. Lapworth's lead, share with him in the glory of one of the greatest achievements of field geology in recent times. My recantation was published in NATURE of November 13, 1884, and the whole history of the investigation of the North-west Highlands up to Prof. Lapworth's latest paper was sketched in a detailed Report communicated by me to the Geological Society on April 25, 1888. My friend Prof. Lapworth has no scientific comrade who has more frankly and practically acknowledged his great geological achievements than I have done.

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