
Construction and exploitation of the gas pipeline is associated with seriously geoecological risks. The magnitude of risks depends on the kind and value of the impact of influencing factors. The factors of geoecological risk mean to the natural and technical conditions, which influences to probability of occurrence, the value of processes with adverse geoecological consequences, also the size of the expected geoecological damage during the transportation of associated petroleum gas (Gubaidullin and Korobov 2005). Territory near shore of Pechora sea between Bolvanskaya bay and Khaypudyrskaya bay is modern promising center of oil production in region. Ricing of oil production connect with ricing of associated petroleum gas (APG) production and searching of ways of effective utilization APG (instead of burning on torch) is actual challenge. The most promising way is common gathering pipeline system with one center of preparing and utilization of APG. Building and exploitation of pipelines connected with high gejecologilal risks. Evaluation and minimization of geecological risk is actual task. It is necessary to plan steps to minimizing risks (Day et al. 1998) to design stage to reduce the impact on the environment. The factor`s indicators of geoeological risk are distributed unevenly along the gas pipeline. Zoning should help to analyze the distribution of geoecological risk factors and determine territories for activities.

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