
From an economic point of view, the flaring of associated petroleum gas (APG) entails significant losses of a resource that can be usefully used. In addition, it has a negative impact on the environment. Russian oil and gas companies are actively engaged in the APG utilization, but the question of choosing the most effective and reasonable solutions for its useful use remains open. The purpose of the study is to analyze the known and used methods of APG utilization in the world, the level and directions of APG utilization by Russian oil and gas companies, as well as to assess the prospects for the development of APG deep processing projects based on Russian oil and gas companies to produce gas chemistry products. The general situation on the utilization of APG in Russia was considered, the study showed that the volume of flaring has been increasing in absolute terms over the past 5 years, due to the fact that companies do not have time to develop infrastructure for gas utilization, as well as with the growth of oil production in Russia. The analysis of the level and main trends of APG utilization by the largest Russian oil and gas companies was carried out, which showed that companies are already engaged in the development of the gas chemical segment, however, they often use simpler methods of utilization (injection of APG into the reservoir, generation of electricity, injection of APG into Unified Gas Supply System). The study of the gas chemistry market showed the prospects for growth in demand for gas chemistry products at least until 2030, which confirms the relevance of the development of this direction. For a complex assessment of the prospects for the creation of gas chemical production facilities on the basis of Russian oil and gas companies, a SWOT analysis was carried out, which helped to systematize ideas about the potential for the development of the gas chemical direction by oil and gas companies. Methods of statistical research, methods of comparative and causal analysis, strategic and managerial analysis, as well as the method of SWOT analysis were used to conduct the study.

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