
Over the past two centuries, Altai krai, located in the southeastern part of Western Siberia, has undergone significant transformation as a result of the virgin lands development. The vast even territories of the krai, formerly occupied by steppes dominated by the feather grass, are now almost completely plowed up. Many types of steppe communities, as well as plant species associated with them, have become rare. This paper presents the results of the taxonomic revision of the genus Stipa. The genus has a high conservation value and seven of twelve feather grass species growing in the studied area are listed in the “Red Book of Altai Krai”. Based on the revision of the herbarium collections stored in ALTB, LE, NS, NSK, TK and the authors’ collections, a checklist of the genus Stipa in Altai krai and an illustrated identification key were compiled. The synopsis for each species contains a nomenclature name, a brief description, a note on taxonomy, flowering period and typical habitats. In addition, it presents the distribution of species in the territory of the krai in the form of an administrative districts list and point maps. A new record of S. sareptana species, new for Altai krai and Western Siberia, was found while the presence of S. baicalensis was not confirmed. Additionally, lectotype of S. praecapillata is also here designated.


  • This paper presents the results of the taxonomic revision of the genus Stipa

  • The genus has a high conservation value and seven of twelve feather grass species growing in the studied area are listed in the “Red Book of Altai Krai”

  • Based on the revision of the herbarium collections stored in ALTB, LE, NS, NSK, TK and the authors’ collections, a checklist of the genus Stipa in Altai krai and an illustrated identification key were compiled

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